1st auction of solar rights on public lands in Colorado draws no bids

By Mark Jaffe
solar energy power

Workers with Bella install in Boulder in 2011. (Helen H. Richardson, The Denver Post)

The plan to rights to federal land across the West for plants got off to a rocky start Thursday when no bidders showed up for the first in Colorado.

Uncertainties about the market and federal rules likely were major factors in the auction’s failure, industry officials said.

Five companies had filed preliminary applications for the three parcels, and there were another 27 inquires about the sites, according to Bureau of Land Management officials.

Based on that interest, officials scheduled an auction for the 3,700 acres of valley land at the BLM Colorado office in Lakewood.

“We are going to have to regroup and figure out what didn’t work,” said Maryanne Kurtinaitis, renewable- program manager for the BLM in Colorado.

Read more: 1st auction of solar rights on public lands in Colorado draws no bids – The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_24379351/1st-auction-solar-rights-public-lands-colorado-draws#ixzz2igwuPbiL
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