Capturing Clean, Affordable Wind Energy with Power Kites

Turin, Italy – April 14, 2015.


KiteGen, a young Italian company based in Turin, has found the way to provide affordable clean thanks to a powerful and until now unexploited resource: the high altitude winds. After 10 years of continuous research, which led to the development of several prototypes, the KiteGen team has finally managed to build a big machine that will be able to produce 3MW of clean at full speed.
Affordable Wind Energy with Power Kites

Using large Kites, KiteGen’s generators harnesses freely available kinetic energy from , and converts it into electricity that is accessible via the grid. Each KiteGen  Stem  Generator  is capable of  providing enough clean to support the needs of up  to 10000 families.In too many places, energy is inaccessible, prohibitively   expensive, or dangerously harmful to the planet   we    all share.    But it   doesn’t have to be that way – we have free, clean energy, and it’s right above our heads. We just have to reach for it.”Explains Massimo Ippolito, founder of the company.

Next steps?.  In an effort to make the greatest positive impact on our environment, KiteGen has partnered with like-minded nonprofits to help transform the world’s energy use. They have committed to sharing revenue created from the first line of installed generators with these groups, which include Bridge for Good, which focuses on reforestation, Source International, which combats pollution, and Amnesty International, defender of human rights.

? 3MW generator harnesses from the using Kites
? Harnessing, Converting, and Using Energy has no impact on environment, zero CO2 emissions
? KiteGen can be installed anywhere and provides energy for up to 10K families

The Campaign.  ?KiteGen is running an Indiegogo campaign in support of the launch of their PowerKite Project. Backers can help make Kite technology a reality for as low as a $20 contribution. The campaign, launched on April 14, 2015, will run throughJune 13, 2015. Backers can expect to receive rewards by July 2015


Affordable Energy

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