solar panel roof

Getting Your House Ready for Solar 

Repair works in your house take much time and effort. Therefore, many households choose professional help from vendors like Handy Kith. If you prefer to do everything in your home on your own, it’s still much better to delegate complicated tasks like getting the house ready for to specialists.

We used the example of here intentionally since it’s becoming a more and more popular topic. has already been widely using in hot areas to heat water. However, its installation and maintenance are much more simple than those of a system. Here are three steps to prepare your house for the further installation of solar panels.

Determine Your Energy Consumption

You will need this for the initial meeting with your solar contractor. He is the one who will help you with a home solar system. For him to provide you with detailed data regarding the project, he will need to know how much energy you use. 

To prepare for the meeting, you need to provide a one-year history of your energy usage. Typically, electrical usage is measured in kWh per year or month. Then, based on this data, the specialist will determine how much space needs to be utilized to meet your needs. After the contractor provides you with all recommendations, you can move to another stage – planning, and preparation. 

Find a Sunny Location

A solar electrical system should be placed in a sunny location to work properly. Usually, households choose a roof to install a house . However, they can be ground-mounted, as well. 

A vital step is to make sure the place has full sun. It means that even the slightest shade is unacceptable. If it exists, it’s time to call a tree trimmer.

Prepare the Roof

In case you choose a roof to install a home solar system, you should prepare it. First of all, consider renovating the roof. The solar system is set to last for about 20 years. The lifespan of a roof is typically less. If you decide to have your roof repaired after the installation of the solar system, you will have to pay for its maintenance and reinstallation once again.

Apart from that, you should:

  1. Consider the direction your house faces. It’s vital to ensure that the solar panels will receive as much sun as possible.
  2. Make sure that your roof is able to support the additional weight.
  3. Consider removing the pitching since contractors may refuse to install the system on such roofs.
  4. Measure the roof: it must allow a minimum of 200-400 sqft.
  5. Make sure that your roof is free from fixtures like vents.

In any case, it’s always better to invite a professional to examine the state of your roof. You may skip some details that may lead to fatal consequences. Moreover, the specialist is going to ease the whole process of preparing a home for .

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