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How to Make Children’s Milestones More Sustainable

It’s not a surprise to anyone to hear that the planet is suffering. Everything from issues to should be kept at the forefront of our minds going into the future. So many people don’t give sustainable efforts much attention because they feel there is nothing they can do on a small scale. 

That simply isn’t true. In your own home, doing simple things like upgrading to LED lighting, using -efficient appliances, or taking shorter showers can all help to correct energy problems

But one of the best things you can do to ensure a more sustainable future is to educate your children on how important it is. 

Children go through many milestones as they grow up, and those are things no parent ever forgets. So how can you help to make those major milestones more sustainable throughout their lives? 

Lead by Example in Their Younger Years

When your children are young, they are like sponges, soaking up every bit of information they can. Whether you realize it or not, a lot of what they learn comes from watching you regularly. 

Teaching your children environmentally-friendly habits from a young age is incredibly important, and you can tie some of those habits into their milestones. For example: 

  • When they learn to ride a bike, talk to them about the environmental benefits of biking versus driving.
  • When they are old enough to talk, teach them about fruits and vegetables and sustainable farming.
  • When they know different shapes and products, teach them about and choosing more sustainable alternatives.
  • When they can shower and/or bathe on their own, tell them about water conservation.

Almost everything your children will do in their lives, big or small, can impact the . Show them the right ways to do things and lead by example every day within your home. You might be surprised at how quickly things ‘stick’ with your child. They can easily start to develop their own sustainable habits just by watching you.

Environmentally-Friendly Driving Habits

One of the biggest milestones in a teenager’s life is finally getting a driver’s license. Most teens can’t wait to get behind the wheel, no matter how nervous their parents might be about it. 

Driving habits aside, one of the things you can feel comfortable about is helping your teen to find a more eco-friendly vehicle, and then teaching them sustainable driving habits they can use for the rest of their lives. 

First, the vehicle. Your teen might try to talk you into an electric motorcycle, and while they do have benefits, let’s stick to four wheels for now. Electric cars have come a long way in recent years. They continue to see regular growth as more people are focused on the . From 2017 to 2018, there was an 81% increase in the sales of electric vehicles (EVs). Some of the biggest benefits that come from owning and driving an EV include: 

  • Lower vehicle operating costs
  • Cleaner air and better health
  • Lower electricity rates

Electric vehicles also tend to be safer, and they can even give you a break on your taxes

Even if you don’t purchase an EV for your teen, there are still important driving habits you can teach them that are better for the , including: 

  • Driving the speed limit
  • Keeping up with regular maintenance on their vehicle
  • Regularly checking the tires
  • Using the right kind of oil
  • Practicing shifting gears


You can also teach your child and/or teen the benefits of taking public transportation, instead of taking a ride all the time, or riding their bike, since you already taught them how beneficial that is. Obviously, they should have someone supervising if they go either route and aren’t old enough to go alone, but it’s a great way to cut down on the fuel emissions vehicles give off. 

When They Move Out on Their Own

Eventually, every child will leave the nest and head out on their own. It can be an emotional time for everyone. But you can let your child leave knowing you’ve taught them some important lessons about a sustainable future. 

That doesn’t stop just because they’re on their own. 

Make sure your child (or, in this case, young adult) knows about things like eco-friendly cleaning products that don’t contain harsh chemicals. These are generally safer for humans, pets, and the planet. They can also help to eliminate indoor air pollution. 

Additionally, encourage your child to keep up with the latest trends and news on sustainability. Major efforts are being made all over the world to make a difference, and it’s important to stay educated on those things. will be a great resource for sustainability in the future, with the Internet of Things making it easier to stay connected and go through life without having to travel as much or take so many environmentally-damaging actions. 

The more you educate your child now about the importance of a sustainable future, the more they will take that knowledge and any habits they have built up over the years, and continue them. Eventually, they will be able to pass the same knowledge to their own children, who will hopefully continue a positive, sustainable cycle. 


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