The Forms Of Energy

The number of conflicts in the world that are caused by the needs increases today. Gradually, the amount of oil, gas and coal in the world decreases, and their consumption is increasing, particularly in developed countries. Most of them have spent their own stocks. And now, they are dependent on third countries that play on this and continuously raise the cost of raw materials that leads to higher prices, both on domestic and international markets. Accordingly, the problem begins with the socio-political situation. Governments of the largest consumers try to seize the places of raw materials extraction in order to avoid the crisis. It is not seldom leads to military conflicts.

Scientists estimate that hydrocarbon fuel will remain on the Earth during next 60 – 100 years, but it is a promising issue. At the moment the relevance lies in the fact that modern forms of change environmental conditions on the planet intensively, and unfortunately these changes are negative. The changes have become irreversible, and this often leads to casualties. Today the world uses over 12 billion kWh of energy annually. Such percentage is in materials using for energy production as: coal – 26 %, gas – 20 %, oil – 42 %, water energy – 4 %, nuclear energy – 5 %, and this leads to emissions of hundreds of thousands of tons of harmful substances into the atmosphere. As we see, we get most of the energy from fossil fuels.

Nuclear energy, which was considered recently as no alternative source of future, is almost at the top of the list of negative impacts on the environment due to constant threats of radioactive substances releases and as a consequence of long-term large adjacent territories pollution. Statistics show that almost all the energy is produced from minerals, and this makes 97%. And what is included in the other 3 %?

This is alternative energy – , wind, geothermal, installations that use the force of the tides etc. So the more and more attention and money are invested in innovative clean energy all over the world. The possibilities of converting into electricity` research and application in practice are being conducted extensively at this time.

is the most environmentally friendly one and has infinite resource stock. Viability of this type of energy is confirmed by multimillion-dollar investments of oil giants such as UK-Dutch Royal Dutch / Shell Company, which has its research and development of alternative energy. It is going to invest amounts between $ 500 million to $ 1 billion annually in . Silicon is used for manufacture of cells. Because of the high cost of this material production, the first batteries were unprofitable. But we know that the progress does not stand still and every year the cost of it significantly reduces.

As for now, the payback of panels is more than 20 – 30 years, and the cost of 1 kW / m obtained with the help of the sun’s rays is higher than that obtained from traditional energy sources. But solar energy is fully competitive in remote places or sites where electricity consumption is relatively high.

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