Vermonters debate clean energy versus ruining the view

Vermont is a state known for its environmental progressiveness on many issues. When it was proposed that wind be implemented to take advantage of flowing over its scenic hills and mountains the first reaction was generally positive. Now however some folks are taking a hard stance against the building of these new windmills. The reason, it would ruin the view of the scenic moutnains in their backyards.

This is an interesting dilemma that is faced by many communities. Should they go green and sacrifice some of the scenic value of their locale? For certain there are many locations in the US where communities built big ugly plants in other wise scenic places for some good and some not so good reasons. Here in they have built several big nuclear plants right on the ocean front, and oil burning plants along scenic coastal bays.

When farmer Greg Bryant first heard about plans for windmills along a swath of mountain ridges in this northeastern Vermont hamlet, he was all for it. The idea of tapping a plentiful natural resource for power was appealing.

Now he’s dead set against it, one of many people here who fear the prospect of 400-foot tall windmills sprouting from the tops of picturesque mountains.

The view or the wind power? Read more here.

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