Helpful Info About Bases

The base type basically depends on a kind of soil, level of ground waters, size of loadings and requirements to a construction deposit, and also of some local conditions.

Soil conditions are defined by trial drilling that allows establishing necessity small or deep foundation of the base.

For economic reasons it is necessary to prefer the separate bases of shallow foundation. As cost of the bases does not almost depend on number of points loading of transfer, there is a freedom in choosing of step columns. The deep foundation, as a rule, is carried out in the form of pile foundation grillage.

Depending on size of loadings piles from monolithic concrete or chisel piles, which can perceive loading from 40 to 1000 ton are suitable driven piles. Chisel piles are carried out only when their number is insignificant or shock loadings should be excluded.

Before to make the decision on type of the pile base, it is necessary to check up possibility of replacement of a ground in the building basis that at a small thickness of not bearing layers it can appear more economic.

The choice of the bases depends also on construction type. The construction with a steel skeleton less sensitively to deposits, than prefabrication, and the last, in turn, transfers non-uniform deformations, than monolithic is better. In areas of mountain developments this question plays rather important role and in certain cases forces to apply such designs of the bases, which allow to regulate position of columns further.

Level of ground waters influences a design of the bases only in a case of constructions deepening below earth level; in small constructions at insignificant hydrostatic pressure it is necessary to apply, at least, water-proof concrete. At the device of a waterproof damp course and accompanying works, such as packing of the bottom concrete layer, installation of a protective brick wall and sheeting drawing, considerably increases cost of the bases, therefore necessity of such decision it is necessary to prove carefully. Usually recognize that garage cannot be absolutely dry, and some part of the moisture, which has got inside, leaves further by means of ventilation.

Besides, it is necessary to check stability of a construction to emersion, especially in an installation stage to prevent damage of not finished construction. It is necessary to pay also attention to possible aggressive influence of a ground and water and to provide special actions against it, for example thicker protective layer at the steel elements, special cement, polymeric foil and other protection frames of concrete.

As foundation ditches of underground garages only in rare cases can have unfixed escarp, there is a problem in a choice of the most expedient walls design perceiving necessary hydrostatic pressure. The economic decision can be received, for example, in case of application multiple-splined walls or walls from stuffed piles which serve not only for escarp fastening, but should be a component of the basic construction.

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