Generate Free Electricity – Fact Or Fiction

How can you possibly generate free electricity? Nothing is ever really free; there is always some cost involved. It could be the effort you put into some endeavor or the money that you hand out to accomplish a desired outcome. Nothing is ever really free!

If you have been surfing the Internet for any length of time you have probably come across an ad telling you this item is free, all you have to do is type in your email address. The item may in fact be of value to you and did not cost you money to acquire it. However, the marketer got your email address and now has placed you on a list for future mailings.

Please do not misunderstand me here; there is nothing wrong with that tactic. I actually fall for it, as you do, all the time. I just wanted to point out that it was not actually free. That Internet marketer is hoping that in the future you may buy something from them.

So how, you are asking, does this possibly relate to the subject of you being able to generate free electricity? Well it is an emotional concept we are actually dealing with, something being free.

When you hear those words, you perk up and pay closer attention to what is being said. We all want things for free and if it is something that can be of great value to us; like the ability to generate free electricity, that is even better. Would you agree? Sure!

The ability to generate free electricity has been with us since the first light bulb was turned on. If you have ever heard about Nikola you have probably read that he invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor.

Without going into the science of his coil, he was able to transmit 100 million volts of high-frequency electric , wirelessly over a distance of 26 miles and lit up a bank of 200 light bulbs and actually ran one electric motor. That was back in 1899. Do you think that maybe we have made a few advances since then?

was way ahead of his time in wanting to give to the betterment of mankind with the advent of cheap or even free . However the people that were backing him, with their money, were not in his court. So JP Morgan pulled his backing of and the dream faded, so to speak.

But through the years there have always been people that believed in what Tesla was trying to do and kept his dream, of being able to generate free electricity, alive.

So let us fast forward back to today and think if Tesla could do that in 1899, with all the advancements that have happened since then, we should be able to do some very impressive things with technology now. Having the ability to generate free electricity just happens to fall into that category.

Dreams are fine and facts are interesting but the industries with the most to lose are the establishments that create and drive the world today, keeping everything moving forward. You can put your own beliefs and feeling into those words but that is not what this article is about.

However, if you are interested in the ability to generate free electricity and finally be able to reduce or even eliminate your electric bills, then you are reading the right article. Now that has gotten your emotions surging, I can feel it through the wires.

You do not hear much about the people that are developing this technology but they are very much alive and striving to get the word out, as best they can.

I am here to do my part by telling as many people as I can about their efforts to bring to the world the ability, for the average person, to be able to generate free electricity.

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