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It’s a measure of just how dependent the world has become on fossil fuels that we call any other form of production alternative Ironically humans relied on many of these so-called alternatives long before they learned to burn coal or refine petroleum into heating oil and gasoline relying on the sun and the to keep themselves comfortable Yet these Stone Age strategies and many others are today labeled not only alternative but too often experimental impractical or anti-progress and undeservedly so It is the aim of this book to provide an overview of sources and strategies beyond fossil fuels and along the way to dispel many of the misconceptions about them Based on facts and figures rather than unsubstantiated claims and scare tactics this book should inspire inform and enlighten readers Why Do We Need Alternatives To answer that question we need to start by discussing fossil fuels what they are where they come from how they are used and the advantages and disadvantages of each Within this context the pressing need for alternatives becomes quite clear

http://www alternativeenergyhq com/pellet-mill-manufacturers-in-addition-to-fuel-plus-climate-change php

There are a increasing number of manufactures generating both small as well as large scale pellet mills to process various raw materials from animal feed to animal bedding For industrial applications there are a few key manufactures The designs of the pellet mills do differ though all work on the principle of a roller and die compression principle along with high temperature wood pellet construction here are a few of the manufacturers Learn more about Manufacturers However China still produces large quantities of flat die pellet mills for the small pellet construction market the industrial along with western market has now majority left flat die pellet mill design The flat die pellet mill is the oldest design of pellet mill The only western manufacturer generating flat die pellet mills is Kahl in Germany One of the main reasons many manufactures have moved away from flat die pellet mills designs is due to concern over excessive die along with roller wear as well as increased fuel consumption compared to other designs The principle of the accelerated roller along with die wear comes from the fact the the contact point between the die as well as

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Energy from the sun in the figure of radiance and warmth has certainly been applied in a lot of ways by humans for a long time The technology to harness solar energy to create solar power has been developing over a period and may now be supposed to be in a somewhat highly developed condition where commercial distribution of big scale energy is being contemplated in a lot of nations of the earth It has actually got underway in countries like Germany which have already installed energy plants for generating solar energy The benefits from such an endeavor are numerous and can include things that will help humanity for many years to come A cleaner planet is something that many people see as important for our lives now as well as the future generations that are to come and thus implementing solar energy into our daily lives has become very important Solar energy helps the grounds of environmentalism ndash it defends the environment by virtue of being a renewable reserve and also being a non-polluting supply of energy Heat engines and photo voltaics are applied to produce solar electricity or solar power There are two big types of solar power

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homemade windmill generatorA homemade generator is the ideal solution for anyone living in windy or overcast areas where solar power may be insufficient or inefficient to rely on Before deciding whether to have a go at a DIY wind turbine construction at all it should be wise to have a wind resource assessment done to estimate the energy final output for the project and decide whether it is feasible or not To do so a prospective DIY windmill builder should make use of GIS Geographic Information System from public data such as the US High Resolution Wind Data Set for example Once decided that this is the way to go it is relatively an easy task to build a wind generator providing good guidance is available The costs involved are a fraction of a ready made windmill down to few hundreds from thousands The real obstacle may be technical especially without manual or technical experience in such devices Main parts like the blades the Dc motor and the mast can easily be found at a hardware store while batteries to store the converted energy may be recycled from old forklift trucks and pulsed back to

http://www alternativeenergyhq com/greener-holidays-with-led-christmas-lights php

Using LED Christmas lights in place of conventional Christmas lights can make your holiday season greener They are easy to find as most stores sell LED Christmas lights if they sell Christmas lights at all This year’s Christmas really can be greener than those that have preceded it LED Christmas lights last ten times longer and consume less energy than the traditional lights They use less energy This means you can enjoy electrical savings when you use LED lights this holiday season Just like the traditional string lights LED Christmas lights are available in a variety of sizes and shapes like mini and globe Additionally icicle and net forms are both available on the market Thanks to so many options being on the market you should be able to find the style and color you want Additionally LED lights are safer to use than conventional Christmas lights For instance you can safely connect several strings without worrying about overheating being a problem However you should still read the manual or box to learn how many strands you can connect safely to one another If you want to go even greener with your holiday decorations select solar powered LED Christmas lights

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Obediah Marsh asked Renewable energy is now easier and more affordable for the everyday handyman to make than ever before By building your own homemade wind turbine you can save thousands of dollars versus buying a new wind turbine kit The wind turbine energy that is produced by the homemade wind turbine can save you upwards of off your electricity bill month after month When you buy a wind turbine kit remember you only get one when you build your own homemade wind turbine you can build as many as you want The store bought kit will cost you upwards of about – depending on the amount of wattage you need but with a homemade wind turbine the items that you need can be found sometimes almost for free Sure the store bought kits come all ready to put together and all you have to do is read the not so easy need a engineer degree to understand directions and then you still have to figure out the best place to install it The great thing about a homemade wind turbine anyone can build it with the right set of plans and without any additional wind turbine training The simple

http://www alternativeenergyhq com/homemade-pellet-mill-as-well-as-wood-pellets-and-independence php

To make a homemade pellet mill is technically possible though is neither fee effective or a practical option To be able to consistently as well as efficiently process biomass into energy pellets required some fairly heavy engineering to cope by means of the forces involved Learn more about Homemade Pellet Mill On the PelHeat website we promote a range of small pellet mills which can be used in the house These pellet mill are of a high quality and very affordable as the prices are directly from the manufacturer Small pellet mills are generally all flat die pellet mills The flat die pellet mill is a upright design The rollers sit on greatest of the die applying pressure vertically to the greatest surface of the die Depending on the design either the roller shell or die will be stationary plus the other will rotate Material enters from the top and falls between the rollers plus die The pellets come because of the bottom of the die along with are cut to length via a knife Pellet length is much more important than many people appreciate Some pellet stove augers cannot handle oversized pellets causing damage to the auger or simply

http://www alternativeenergyhq com/wood-pellet-cost-in-addition-to-pellet-press-in-addition-to-fuel-quality php

The choice of wood pellet storage can have a substantial impact on the wood pellets charge For case biomass pellets in bags are more expensive than bulk deliveries in either large bags or blown loose into a silo The obvious reason for this is there is no fee associated by way of bagging the pellets Though there is the initial fee of installing a silo In the long term however the constant savings on energy costs will benefits the investment on the silo Wood pellet manufactures are seeing more people opt for the pellet silo’s and are thus changing their delivery methods more to pellet tankers instead of pallet deliveries For manufactures moving onto a more loose pellet delivery approach has benefits and compensation The benefit is the reduced investment in pellet bagging machines along with the associated costs Yet they have another price in the pellet tankers required There will be a further market evolution by means of pellet deliveries handled by separate companies Making the process more efficient for the pellet manufactures in addition to also cheaper for the end users Learn more about Pellet Fuel Biomass pellet construction is a rapidly growing market More people are interested

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