Faith And Solar Power

Here is an interesting story about churches working with installers to put on church properties to save and money for the faithful. Seems like a nice partnership arrangment.

Star helps faithful witness stewardship, save money
by Charles Morris

stewardship: In 2001, St. Elizabeth parish, in Wyandotte, Mich., won the Energy Star for Congregations award, for its sustainable practices, which included solar panels on the rectory’s roof.Solar stewardship: In 2001, St. Elizabeth parish, in Wyandotte, Mich., won the Energy Star for Congregations award, for its sustainable practices, which included solar panels on the rectory’s roof.Too often parishes can feel a pull between witnessing to their mission while dealing with practical matters such as paying their bills. Fortunately, a wonderful partnership has emerged between the faith community, the business community and the federal government where congregations can realize savings while exercising Gospel stewardship, particularly in the area of energy.

Since I began Michigan Interfaith & Light back in late 2002, a key resource and partner in helping communities of faith achieve pollution prevention is the ’s Energy Star for Congregations program.

Recently, I had a chance to interview the director of that program, Jerry Lawson about the benefits of participation in Energy Star for Congregations. Also participating was Steve Bell, a contractor with EPA who helps coordinate the EPA’s Portfolio Manager database program.

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