SA Launches Fuel Cell Train

This seems like a big development in the market. South Africa is launching a powered Locomotive. I love to find news like this about alternative development. I say a big hurray for SA for making this step towards renewable fuels for industry.

South Africa’s Anglo American Platinum (Angloplat) has launched the prototype of the first powered underground locomotive, in a bid to demonstrate the viability of platinum-based fuel cells as an alternative source while helping the country meet its and job creation challenges.

Anglo American CEO Cynthia Carroll, speaking at last week’s launch, described the event as “a leap forward for fuel cells.

“The platinum-based fuel cells, used to the locomotive we are unveiling today, offer one of the most exciting opportunities for South Africa in the green economy,” Carroll said.

“At Anglo American, we believe that with platinum at its heart, a South African fuel cell industry would support the country’s drive for jobs and help to meet its energy challenges.”

According to Angloplat, hydrogen-powered fuel cell locomotives are more economical and environmentally friendly than traditional rail transport, being powered by a cleaner and more secure energy source.

A fuel cell is essentially a gas battery that produces electricity as long as it is fed with gas. The fuel cells provide availablity 24-7, and there is no need to change or recharge the battery it replaces, which means less downtime and increased productivity.

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