Alternative Energy HQ

Alternative energy – Green as in mainstream

It is very cool that the world is starting to sit up and notice that we need [tag-tec]alternative energy[/tag-tec] sources if we are to survive in this world. It is just shocking at times to see how quickly it is catching on. No really. I mean it. Maybe it is a California thing but I doubt that is entirely it as it would not be happening at this pace if it was only wacky folks in earthquake land that were into this stuff.

My mainstream newspaper that lands on my porch each day ( I know I should read it online and save a tree, but I am old school when it comes to the paper. Something tactile about it) has launched a whole supplement section to the paper recently. It is called Green and is a 10-20 page section dealing entirely with green issues. It is amazing to see. This newspaper has also been giving tons of space to energy issues such as [tag-tec]solar power[/tag-tec],[tag] biodiesel[/tag], ethanol, and even the controversy over [tag-ice]nuclear power[/tag-ice] plants in California.

Next week it will probably be the local TV stations that suddenly have become green or alternative energy aware. That is how the mainstream media do it. They run in tight little packs that feed off each other. But if it ends up helping bring the word to the world that is fine with me. OK now go turn off that light in the kitchen and save some energy.

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