An Overview Of Hydro Power Generation Around The World

Although hydro technology had been developed quite a long time ago, it took years to get something that is efficient and cost-effective. Energy By Water is one of the innovations. Hydro generation has come a long way since its inception. Modern researches have shaped giant, mountain-like hydro systems into small portable solutions. Today, the system has become much more convenient than its ancestors.

The first application of hydro power systems was implemented in the . The technique then became popular in Europe and from there, it went around the world. Today, you will find hundreds of such facilities around the globe. The largest hydro power system is deployed at Three Gorges Dam in China and it produces about 20,300MW of electricity.

Observing the boundless advantages of the technology, many countries have installed hydro power stations that either comprehensively satisfy their energy needs or work complementary with other sources of energy. Currently, there are seven countries that are getting a major portion of their electricity consumption out of hydro power energy:
1. Brazil
2. Norway
3. Venezuela
4. New Zealand
6. Canada
7. Switzerland

Although not as powerful as fuel-powered steam turbines, hydro power generates a considerable portion of the required electrical power to these countries. , a small country in South America is the only country whose primary source of power is hydro power energy. The produced energy is not only consumed in , but also contributes to neighboring countries like Brazil and Argentina. This clearly demonstrates the power of hydro power energy.

The technology used by Energy By Water is really powerful. Hydro power is the future of electricity generation. Norway gets 99% of its electricity needs from hydro power plants and is planning to shift completely towards the technology.
is the biggest producer of in the world. It has dozens of projects producing electricity in enormous amounts. Other major producers include:
• The
• Russia
• India
• Japan
• Sweden
It is obvious that several countries are turning to hydro power to satisfy their power needs. However, they still use large power plants for generation. Micro hydro power generators are not commonly used. Micro hydro power generators have low output power and are used to power just a few houses. Energy By Water is the most efficient version of a micro hydro power generator. It is the ideal example that shows how small generators can be used to serve individuals who wish to have their own private power production plants.

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