Alternative Energy HQ

Are You Thinking About a Geothermal Cooling System?

geo thermal13
RJ Current asked:

Geothermal cooling systems are the perfect way to green your home and save money.?? But how does it work and how much money can you actually save?

Let’s Start With How A Regular Air Conditioner Works.

Like a geothermal system, they are basically a heat pump that draws the heat out of your home and radiates it outside. The reason that regular air conditioning can cost so much is that as the outside temperature rises and becomes higher than your inside temperature, your air conditioner has to work harder and harder to radiate the inside heat outside.

How Does A Geothermal System Work?

This is where a geothermal heating and cooling system can save you a bunch of money. The geothermal system also uses heat pumps. But they don’t try to radiate the heat into the hot outside air. Instead they take advantage of the fact that just a few feet under the ground, the temperature is much cooler than the normal summer air and warmer than the normal winter air. ? In fact, depending upon where you live, the underground temperature only has to be adjusted a little to be perfectly comfortable for our homes.

In a geothermal system the air is heated and cooled by circulating water or coolant through a series of buried pipes, thus quickly cooling or heating up the circulating liquid and returning it to the house through the heat pump. Think of it this way, how much could you save if your air conditioner was drawing air that was already cooled, or your furnace could save if it was drawing already warmed air.

The fact is that the Environmental Protection Agency considers geothermal heating and cooling the most energy-efficient, clean, and cost effective space conditioning system available. It is true that these systems are generally much more expensive than a regular fossil fuel burning system.

But Just Think About The Benefits:

It is estimated that once installed, a system should last anywhere from 50 to 200 years. You can save up to 70% of your typical heating and cooling bill. At that rate you can pay for your system in as little as 5-7 years. You will have a zero carbon footprint because you’ll be burning no fossil fuels. Geothermal systems are very low maintenance. During the summer, heat drawn from your house can provide you with hot water for free.

Best of all, you won’t care what the price of heating fuels do, because you won’t be using any!

So is Geothermal cooling and heating for you?

Water 4 Gas

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