Bonds for green energy

So this country ran a big part of it’s war effort in WwII on the back o massive war savings bonds sold to the public. Now an Initiative is being promoted to use ansimilar strategy to fund green development in the USA.

Green bonds –

“The disaster in the Gulf should have made it clear – even to those who were not already convinced – that we need cleaner now. Right now, the ranks 10th in clean- investments as a percentage of the national economy.

Green America’s plan to fix this starts with Clean Energy Victory Bonds. We’re working with several members of to introduce legislation creating these bonds and you can make all the difference. Once this gets introduced, we’ll need to show that Americans everywhere want Clean Energy so we can get this legislation passed.”

Seems like an intriguing idea.

What do you think?

Comment below and let us know if you would buy bonds to help in the efforts to fund alternative energy tech.

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