California Voters – VOTE NO on Prop 23, the DIRTY ENERGY PROPOSITION

If you live in and vote, please consider this as you go to vote next month:

On November 2nd, the voters of will be asked to make a choice that may very well determine the future of clean power in the . As many of you may be aware, several out of state oil companies have invested millions to put Prop 23 (the Dirty Proposition) on the November ballot in an attempt to suspend AB 32, ’s landmark clean legislation. The companies behind this proposition are two of the top 10 polluters in California and are pouring millions into an effort to protect their right to pollute here, and take their profits out of state.

AB 32 requires California to use more non-polluting power sources and return emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Since the adoption of AB 32 over four years ago, California has become the clear U.S. leader in clean initiatives, creating thousands of jobs in the renewable sector and attracting $9 billion in clean technology investments. The promoters of Prop 23 say it is good for California say it will protect jobs, but AB32 initiatives such as the Million Roofs initiative and Renewable Portfolio Standard targets have helped the industry create thousands of local jobs. Prop 23 puts all of these initiatives at risk. An economic analysis by the Clean Economy Network shows that passage of Prop 23 would jeopardize half a million jobs and 12,000 companies in California’s fastest growing industry.

Both California Republicans and Democrats oppose Prop 23, including both candidates for governor, Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown, governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; George Schultz, Ronald Reagan’s former secretary of state, and Democratic Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein. California workers also oppose Prop 23, including California Firefighters, California Farm Workers, California Teachers Association, California Nurses and many, many, many more. The American Lung Association and American Cancer Society oppose Prop 23 as well. For an entire list of backers, visit The stark reality is that the vast majority of support for Prop 23 comes from outside of California, to support out of state interests.

Monday, October 18th is the last day to register to vote in California. Please register if you haven’t done so already. It is impossible to overstate the importance of this vote. Recent polls show that California voters are split on Prop 23, as most don’t know the truth about who is behind it, and what’s at stake. Your vote truly matters. Thousands of businesses, hundreds of thousands of jobs and the health of our environment may depend on it, and the entire nation is watching. If California can’t protect its jobs and environment from out of state polluters, it will threaten clean power efforts elsewhere.

Therefore, we encourage you to VOTE NO on Prop 23, the DIRTY ENERGY PROPOSITION.

Other ways you can help:

Join the “No on Prop 23” Community

Educate your friends and family on Prop 23 and encourage others to vote “No”

Throw a house party. The Union of Concerned Scientists has tips on how to host house parties against Prop 23

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