Call To Action On Clean Energy

Rep. Garamendi Speaks Out On Need for Clean


 Following votes yesterday, Rep. John Garamendi (CA-03) a member of the Safe Climate Caucus, spoke on the House floor on Congress’ obligation to act on clean policies.

Rep. Garamendi spoke out against the dangers of extreme weather caused by .  The Sacramento region, which includes much of the Congressman’s district, is the second most flood-prone region in the country.

Congressman Garamendi also advocated for incentives to develop clean systems, particularly for and wind .  Solano County, in Rep. Garamendi’s district, is home to one of the nation’s biggest wind farms.

“The climate is changing, and there is something we can do about it,” said Rep. Garamendi.  “In fact, there is something this House of Representatives must do about it, and that is to move forcefully, directly, and aggressively to clean energy policies.”

The Safe Climate Caucus members have made a commitment to talk every day on the House Floor about the urgent need to address .

Video of the floor speech is available online here.  Full text of the speech is available below:

Floor Statement of Rep.

U.S. Representative John Garamendi
U.S. Representative (Photo credit: Thomas Hawk)

Mr. Speaker, the climate is changing.  Climate change is very, very real.  You only have to look at the superstorms we’ve had, Sandy and others, and the $180 billion of destruction that has been wrought upon us from the environment just over the last two years.

The climate is changing, and there is something we can do about it.  In fact, there is something this House of Representatives must do about it, and that is to move forcefully, directly, and aggressively to clean energy policies.

We ought to be subsidizing those clean energy systems that are out there: and wind in my own district.  In Solano County, we have one of the biggest wind farms.  My own history in this goes back to 1978, when I authored legislation for state tax credits.

We can and we must deal with climate change, and we can do it with clean energy policies.

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