How did I accomplish that? Well instead of driving my 20 MPG car to work as per normal I rode my brand new Diggler electric scooter to work, zipping along on surface streets and arriving at work in about ten minutes longer than driving my car, all the while getting a fresh air look at the world on my ride.

My Commute Cost Pennies Today! Diggler Scooter

Wow what a cool feeling today. I did my normal six mile commute to the office today and it only cost me pennies instead of dollars. Whoo hoo.

How did I accomplish that? Well instead of driving my 20 MPG to work as per normal I rode my brand new Diggler to work, zipping along on surface streets and arriving at work in about ten minutes longer than driving my , all the while getting a fresh air look at the world on my ride.

My friend Rob produces the out of his northern shop for the sport scooter crowd (think downhill bikes that are scooters) and for law enforcement patrol applications.

Once I rode one earlier this year I knew I had to have one. The downhill scooter with mountain bike tires, shocks and brakes is a total hoot to ride on and off road. It carves like you are on skis, and really handles like a dream. The electric version features a battery pack and rear wheel drive system that allows you to ride for 20 miles on a charge and gives you 100 miles for about $1 in electricity. He is selling these to campus police operations to use for patrol duty.

Anyways I love riding mine and now that I can commute to work on it when conditions are right it is a terrific thing. Save gas, save , and get a fresh look on the world as I ride.

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