While the family market is being served with environmentally friendly energy solutions, in particular Solar Energy Panels and wind turbines, these two solutions have advantages and disadvantages that can influence suitability for the home owner. The Solar Energy Panels work by converting daylight into electricity and the more daylight there is, the more electricity is generated. Wind turbines must be rotated by the power of wind on the blades that spins a dynamo and so creates electricity, the more powerful the wind the more electricity is generated. It is not just the Solar Energy Prices or the wind turbine prices, but, the different way that Solar Energy Panels and wind turbines deliver electricity. Solar Energy Panels can still deliver electricity on dull days, but wind turbines need a wind speed approximately 5 m/s to turn. How frequently have we seen large wind turbines, visible from the road, standing idle? Both Solar Energy Panels and wind turbines are influenced by the effects of adjacent buildings and trees because of the shading effect on Solar Energy Panels and disturbing the air flow to wind turbines. It may be that wind turbines are more influenced by disturbances in the air flow from buildings and trees, maybe because of turbulence, whereas if it is just trees, then maybe Solar Energy Panels, installed onto the house roof, may in truth be able to pick up sunlight directly.
On the cost side, Solar Energy Prices seem to be approximately ?12,000 for a set up suitable for a normal house, and for wind turbines, the cost is approximately the ?14,000 mark. There may be other process involved, for example if the roof is not strong enough to take the weight of the Solar Energy Panels, then the home owner may find that the Solar Energy Prices rise rather to allow for strengthening the roof. By the same token for wind turbines; they need to be installed either to a column fixed to the ground or to the roof, so that the turbine blades can get a free flow of wind. There may also be servicing costs involved for wind turbines from the point of view of the moving parts, whereas Solar Energy Panels need to be kept clean, which may be achieved by rain fall.