Electric Car Conversion involves the process of transforming how your car runs to use electrical power as its main source instead of gas. This process eliminates the need for you to fill up at the gas pump unlike hybrid vehicles which alternate between electrical power and gasoline.
You can choose to hire a professional or perform the conversion yourself fairly easily. Many people are looking into the benefits of electric cars and searching for ways to begin the process of transforming their current vehicle to save the money that they are spending on gas.
Provided are steps to make the transition to owning your very own electrical car:
Convert Car to Electric –
1. Choose an ideal vehicle to convert
When choosing a vehicle to convert, follow these guidelines:
(a) Weight – The vehicle that is selected for conversion ideally should be able to support the extra weight that will be caused by installing the extra batteries and motor. Your vehicle may already be overloaded with miscellaneous items like the transmission, radiator, fuel pump, oil, and gas tank.
(b) Power Consumption – Be aware of your power requirements for your vehicle before converting.
(c) Proper Plan – Make sure that you put a proper plan in place prior to beginning your conversion.
2. Select equipment and tools needed
Find a place to perform your conversion. This could be your home garage. Here is a summary of the list of equipment that you may need for your conversion: Motor adaptor, Motor, manual disconnects, power supply, battery ends, motor controller, batteries, battery charger and cables, battery ends, digital meters, vacuum pump, lugs, throttle box, and fuses
3. Select an electric motor and batteries
Consider if your car is front, rear, 4 (WD) wheel drive. This will determine the number of motors required. Plan for the distance that you would like to travel before needing to recharge your car. Both the motor and the battery will play a significant part. For one, the electric motor will determine the speed of your vehicle and the usage of your battery.
4. Remove the transmission, engine, etc
You will need to remove the transmission, engine, and other parts like gas tank to get started. You may need to refer to your owner’s manual to locate these parts on your particular car make and model.
5. Begin your conversion process
Install your motor, batteries, and be sure to replace the equipment that was removed. Start it up and take your first test drive! You will never have to stop at a gas station ever again.