
Current Trends in Sustainability

The field of sustainability is always evolving and becoming more relevant. As the threat of climate change leaves its mark in increasingly alarming ways, sustainability is more important than ever. So what are some of the current trends in sustainability here in the United States?

Minimalism is on the rise, prompting people to live by the motto “less is more” and change the consumer lifestyle that many of us live by. As a result, alternative energy sources like solar are becoming more popular in homes and businesses around the country. While solar can have a high upfront cost, the long-term savings are undeniable, making it a sound investment both financially and environmentally.

Finally, smart use, especially when it comes to public spaces and buildings, is now more sought after than ever. Everything from college buildings to sports stadiums boast forms of sustainable building .

It’s an exciting time for those interested in preserving the environment. New and fresh ideas motivate people to try new initiatives and work toward a more sustainable future. The lives and well-being of the next generation depends on it.

The Rise of Minimalism

Minimalism is a major trend right now, and it’s about more than decorating with clean white lines and modern furniture. Minimalism is all about living with less and decluttering your life both physically and mentally. When you look at this trend through the lens of sustainability, it has the to change the habits of consumption that have led us to a dearth of natural resources.

Converting to a minimalist lifestyle means not only living with less but trying to consume less. That means avoiding single-use plastics, thinking hard about each item that enters the home, and curbing any purchasing habits that aren’t essential. With some products being poorly made with defects and manufacturers not necessarily letting consumers know this, it’s better overall in the short and long term to have fewer things in general. These seemingly small changes could have a huge positive impact on the health of the planet. 

Our lifestyles centered around consumption take a toll on the planet, contributing to large carbon footprints and other negative environmental consequences. Minimalism is an important trend in sustainability because it makes people think about what they are purchasing and consuming and how that impacts the planet.

Harnessing the of Solar

Another trend in sustainability is the growth of the solar industry. You have probably seen solar panels atop houses or in fields as you drive down the road. Harnessing the power of the sun is a great alternative to the dirty sources that we have relied upon for so long.

The Solar Energy Industries Association states, “Solar is the cleanest and most abundant renewable source available, and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world. Solar technologies can harness this energy for a variety of uses, including generating electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use.”

It’s clear that the sun is an extremely powerful and abundant source of energy. According to the University of California Riverside, “In just one hour, it produces far more power than the entire U.S. consumes in a year.” It’s no wonder the use of solar power is becoming more widespread around the country and the world at large.

Utilizing Smart Technology

Smart technology also has a place in current sustainability trends. The increasing prevalence of eco-homes, smart appliances, and LEED certification points to an improved awareness of the needs of the planet. Building and creating uses resources, so utilizing smart technology is a way to minimize the impacts of that use.

Smart technology has a widespread appeal and is being utilized in large building projects, from homes to stadiums. The LEED certified Sacramento Kings’ stadium, for example, is one of the smartest stadiums in America, according to Ohio University. The stadium boasts solar power, low-flow toilets, local food, and more.

By choosing sustainability, the stadium is setting a precedent for others to follow. Hopefully, all major public spaces will have a commitment to sustainability that sets the bar high for new projects. One space could inspire another to do even better.

Examples of smart technology in buildings are everywhere. It’s encouraging to think that this is the new normal. Sustainability is at the forefront of many a builder or designer’s mind, and this trend is having an enormous impact on our infrastructure. It’s also encouraging to think that small choices we make every day, like refusing single-use plastics, could make a positive impact on the environment.

Between the rising interest in minimalism, the promising future of solar power, and the trend of utilizing smart technology, there are many exciting things happening in the world of sustainability. If the trends continue and evolve, perhaps there’s a chance of preserving our planet so that future generations can not only survive but thrive. What will future trends look like? Only time will tell.

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