Earth 4 Energy Review DIY Solar And Wind Power

With the skyrocketing costs of electricity these days, many people are looking for ways to save on their electric bills. Solar and seems like a viable option, but the preliminary costs can be staggering.

One solution that’s becoming more trendy is to make it yourself. There are numerous books that claim to teach you how to do this, but how first-rate are they?

Earth4 is one of the more popular DIY residential solar and wind books available and as it turns out, with good reason.

Earth4 promises to show you how to make your own or wind generator for under $200 and does precisely that. But we found the best component to be the instructional videos. Everything is simpler when you truly see someone do it.

It also contains a few of what they call “free chapters” that show you how to reduce your oil reliance and how to use ethanol as a practical source.

There is one concern you need to be conscious of, though. While it’s feasible to create a or wind generator for under $200, this isn’t going to replace your utility bill. It will take much more than one wind generator or to make a major impact on your utility bill.

What we didn’t like: Earth4Energy gives you everything it promises, but little else. There are no bonuses and little insight other than the obvious. But if all you want is to create your own wind generator or solar panels, you can’t go wrong. And as we stated earlier, the instructional videos make it very simple.

If nothing else, if you like to create things, this could be a fun project. Being able to even a small device using only the sun or wind gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Important note! Don’t purchase Earth4Energy from the primary sales link! At the time of this review, we discovered that if you try to leave the page or close “Suzy”, their spokeswoman (which we found a bit irritating), a fake chat box pops up and offers a $10 discount. We strongly recommend that if you plan to buy, to take take them up on this offer.

Usually, although they tell you it’s a limited time offer, they rarely go away. BUT … you never know. If you plan to buy, we suggest taking advantage of this offer right away.

Bottom line: if you fancy yourself a handyman or woman and have been considering this, Earth4Energy gives you everything you need to know. For product comparisons, visit DIY Residential Solar Power and Windmill Power Reviews for more details.

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