Alternative Energy HQ

Electric Car Conversion

electric car35
Sandra Maria Stammberger asked:

Do you find yourself watching the gas gauge in your car? Do you find yourself hoping your car will go farther and farther on a gallon of gas? As we continue to watch gas prices hover around $4.00 a gallon and take a bigger chunk out of our budgets, many of us are searching for ways to stretch our transportation dollars. Luckily, there is a solution to the outrageous price of gasoline, an electric car conversion; it is possible to convert a regular gasoline car to an electric car. By converting your car to electric, you will be changing your car into a more cost efficient vehicle, and you also be helping the environment by using a “clean” fuel.

For only pennies a day, you can drive your electric car around town. That is much better than spending $4.00 a gallon to put gas in the tank. In general, an electric car can drive for one hundred miles before needing a charge. For a full charge the cost is around one dollar. Think of how much gasoline your car uses to drive a hundred miles and how much that costs. An electric car conversion can save hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars in fuel costs in a year.

Another reason to consider changing your car over to an electric car is that you are improving the environment. Gasoline cars fill the air with carbon greenhouse gases. Many scientists believe this is a contributing factor to global warming. With an electric car, you are not burning a fossil fuel, so no harmful exhaust fumes pollute the air. An electric car has no fumes at all. Another bonus to an electric car conversion is the tax advantages. Since an electric car is considered a “clean” fuel, the government offers tax credits when you change over to an electric car. That is more money saved by converting to an electric car.

So how do you convert your car? There are two ways. You can pay a professional to convert your car. This costs thousands of dollars, depending on the professional. You can also do an electric car conversion yourself. There are do-it-yourself manuals available that give step by step instructions. This is a less expensive way to obtaining an electric car.

If the high price of driving is getting you down, and you are looking for a more cost effective means to driving, then an electric car conversion is for you. Along with its cost effectiveness, a conversion to an electric car also eliminates greenhouse emissions. That benefits everyone.

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