Electric Car Parts – What Are the Main Parts of Electric Car Driving Systems?

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Humayun Altaf asked:

Electric cars are different from the fuel propelled ones. They have a simpler driving system that provides these cars with the needed to roll the streets for a reasonable . Whether it is a golf Cart, RV, Trike or any other electrically propelled vehicle, its system should have the three main parts, the motor, the controller and the battery.

The electric motor is the most important one of all the parts in your vehicle. It is the part responsible for the propelling of the car and it comes in three popular types, the DC wound, the Permanent magnet DC and the AC motor. The AC is the most complex one but it is the most efficient in the same time. It is usually used in these vehicles that need extra to move and climb steep hills. On the other hand, the DC wound is the simple and the easiest electric motor to install but it produces less than the AC one. It is sometimes preferred because of its lower cost.

Number two on the important parts is the battery. While some cars would use the standard car batteries as a source of , the more advanced ones use the Ni batteries as more efficient source that gives extra range of operation for the vehicle. They require less time to be charged and provides more for the motor attached.

The third part of the electric car parts is the controller and this part is responsible for power management, it senses the amount of energy needed by the motor and supplies it directly from the batteries in order to get the car to move. The controller is very important because it synchronizes the operation of both the motor and the battery.

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