Energy Conservation Tips At School

Considering the fact that schools are used at least 40 hours per week, they can produce a significant draw. With the large rooms, high ceilings and big buildings, there are huge bills for every school around the country.

By implementing saving measures, a school can reduce their costs by thousands of dollars each year. It can help a school district meet its budget requirements and save money for other school related needs. Here are some ways that students, teachers and the administration can help a school save .

1. Appoint an energy manager
The school’s staff can appoint an energy manager who will help identify areas of energy waste and develop a plan for fixing those energy problems. Energy managers can familiarize themselves with recent policies on energy savings and help suggest energy management solutions. Appointing an energy manager can help a school, or an entire school district, develop a cohesive plan for energy savings.

2. Turn off lights and computers when they aren’t in use.
Just like in a home, lights and computers can be real energy wasters at school. A school can monitor energy usage by launching a school-wide effort to keep lights and computers off when not in use. If there is room in the district budget, light control systems can be installed in all rooms which will automatically turn off the lights if no one is there.

3. Replace the light bulbs.
Parents can ask the school administration about the type of light bulbs that are being used at the school. Regular 40 WATT light bulbs can use a lot of energy each year. By switching to LED bulbs or CFL bulbs, a school can save thousands of dollars each year. This is an easy switch that can be made in light fixtures all around the school. Although most school rooms use fluorescent lights, there are a lot of light bulbs around a school campus that can be replaced – like those used in “exit” signs.

4. Monitor the heating and cooling system
Thermostat settings can make a big difference in how a school uses energy. Setting the thermostats at 78 during warm months and 68 during cooler months will drastically reduce the heating and air conditioning use, which will help with overall energy usage. Teachers should also watch for airflow around the vents. Books and blocking the vents will prevent the warm or cool air from entering the room.

5. Start a school wide “Energy Patrol” program
One of the best things about undertaking an energy saving program in schools is that it can help educate young people about energy savings. They can take this knowledge and apply it at home. Teachers can let children know about the benefits of saving energy and ways they can help the school save energy (like turning lights off and keeping doors closed). With students keeping watch, energy saving changes will be made more easily.

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