Alternative Energy HQ

Free energy? Forever? Can this company prove it?

Steorn issued a challenge to the scientific world in 2006 to prove that their technology works. A technology that they claim will produce free, clean energy forever. Now this is heady stuff. It is surely controversial. But are we in any position to deny it or laugh them off as crazy? I don’t think so. The jury will weigh in on the effort to study it and see if they are right and this really is a revolution for the world.

Watch their video and make up your own mind.

Here is what they say about their technology:

Technical Specifications

Orbo is based upon the principle of time variant magneto-mechanical interactions. The core output from our Orbo technology is mechanical. This mechanical energy can be converted into electrical energy using standard generator technology either by integrating such technology directly with Orbo or by connecting the mechanical output from Orbo to the generation technology. The efficiency of such mechanical/electrical conversions is highly dependent on the components used and is also a function of size.

Orbo technology is subject to continuous development. This development is focused on improving the manufacturability of the technology, production costs and power density. Orbo was initially developed as using stop-start mechanisms (with a power density of 0.5 Watts per cm3), Steorn is currently finalizing the development of constant motion systems and a significant improvement in power density is anticipated.

What do you think? Weigh in with your thoughts.

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