Environmental Conservation

Take Climate Action With Geothermal Heating & Cooling

“The evidence of human-caused climate change is overwhelming and continues to strengthen, that the impacts of climate change are intensifying across the country, and that climate-related threats to Americans’ physical, social, and economic well-being are rising.”- 4th National Climate Assessment, 2018

Current Climate Change Assessment & Trends

Two important Federal government announcements have enthusiasts moving quickly toward a global response:

The Federal government’s release of the 2018 National Climate Assessment (NCA) asserts the continued warming of our planet, its effects on our fragile environment, and the price we all can expect to pay for it:

“Climate change is expected to cause growing losses to American infrastructure and property and impede the rate of economic growth over this century.” (footnote 1).

The message at Poland’s Katowice Climate Change Conference from December 2018 made a very clear calling: Take Climate Action (footnote 2). With the US government’s current administration shifting away from scientifically recommended environmental action, American citizens and private companies have begun taking climate actions into their own hands.

Updating Your Heating & Cooling Source for the 21st Century

Our properties, widely shared by both humans and the pets we love, need reliable temperature control. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that almost 42 percent of US home use and about 36 percent of commercial property spending goes to space heating (Footnote 3). For that, we rely upon burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, oil, and propane. Bringing into the conversation has never been more important and relevant.

Energy: What is it? How Does it Work?

heating and cooling takes energy and heat directly from the ground in the Earth’s crust and puts it to work heating and cooling air and water in your home. It’s an energy source that is free, does not pollute, is renewable, and takes 75% of the energy needed out of the ground. This is regularly achieved through the use of a heat pump connected to buried pipes, creating a system known as loops and exchanges.

Over one million homes across the USA now rely upon geothermal heating and cooling as a primary or secondary energy source. These are households that have answered the call to replace fossil fuel energy sources with new effective technologies that reduce the carbon footprint.

Environmental & Financial Benefits of Geothermal Heating & Cooling

The EPA notes that geothermal energy systems are quickly becoming the most energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective temperature and comfort systems available.

  • Replacing an ordinary HVAC system with geothermal represents the environmental equivalent of planting 750 trees according to the EPA
  • Every 100,000 homes utilizing a geothermal heat pump system reduce electricity consumption by almost 800 million kilowatt hours annually
  • According to the U.S. General Accounting Office, if geothermal systems were installed across the nation, energy costs could be reduced by billions of dollars and significantly reduce pollution
  • Geothermal heating equals between 30 to 70 percent savings over conventional units for homeowners
  • The US can reduce foreign oil consumption by 2.15 million barrels annually for every 100,000 homes utilizing a geothermal heat pump system
  • US Schools using geothermal systems are saving a combined $25 million dollars a year in energy expenses

The many benefits of geothermal energy cannot be understated. Free energy from the Earth awaits.

Making the Change To Geothermal Heating & Cooling

We share a vulnerable planet and it’s on all of us to take climate action. The technology now exists to generate nearly all needed energy from the ground beneath your feet. Geothermal energy represents a very tangible and beneficial action that property owners can take to update outdated heating and cooling systems that unfortunately endanger our world.

Change your energy source by first evaluating your property. With an experienced and licensed geothermal heating and cooling company, you will be able to carve a path toward the strongest and most beneficial energy option for both your wallet and the home we all share: Planet Earth.

Footnote 1 – https://nca2018.globalchange.gov/

Footnote 2 – https://unfccc.int/achieving-the-sustainable-development-goals-through-climate-action

Footnote 3 – https://www.epa.gov/rhc/renewable-space-heating

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