Global Energy Reports on Independent Testing of KDV Technology in the Treatment of Various Household Wastes, Biomass and Plastics

Tested Cetane Ratings Reach 63.6 in Comparison to the Norm of 51 With High Calorific Value Exceeding the European EN590 Standard

Global (OTCBB:GEYI – News), an initiator of alternative projects focusing on the processing of organic solid and many kinds of hydro carbon wastes into usable alternative fuels, today reported on a number of tests on the produced by the Company’s and plants supplier, AlphaKat GMBH, in Germany.

The first tests were conducted by the Institute for Neuwertwirtschaft GMBH (“IFN”) from a feed stock of household waste from the city of Liepzig on approximately 130 liters of synthetic that were produced through the AlphaKat KDV process. The study concluded “this product can be used in CHP’s (combined heat and plants). For use in the engine area, which is subject to EN590 (The European Standard for for Vehicles), sulfur content and stabilization need to be adjusted for full scale industry plants. The refuse contained a maximum of 46% hydrocarbons from which the demonstration plant produced diesel from 41%, representing a conversion efficiency of 89%.”

ERRSA Energietechnic, a reputable test and regulation institute in Germany from Zitau, separately concluded, based on a test run on a 200KW diesel engine that the produced diesel held approximately 12,000 Kcal per kilogram compared to the EN590 standard of approximately 10,000 Kcal per kilogram. The Cetane rating 63.6 compared with the standard EN590. In summary, “the tested diesel is special fuel that could provide an alternative to vegetable oil with CPH and to fossil diesel fuel for vehicles. The high calorific value of the diesel would lead to reduction in the diesel engine’s fuel consumption and therefore reduction of emissions and logistics costs.”

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