Great Time For a Chimney Check!

Think of all those bills that will soon be coming your way! They are bound to be more expensive than last year’s bills, we all know that. Efficiency in the home heating arena is even more crucial now as the price of and food goes up and wages hover around in the same place!

When you have been through a winter with a wood burning stove, you can really appreciate the unique warmth they offer. It is as if someone has wrapped you in a pre-heated blanket.

Wood stoves are now engineered to be extremely efficient, and little or no smoke escapes into the atmosphere with the new certified wood stoves. Many areas give grants for existing stoves to be replaced by these new carbon-light stoves.

Several factors are important when using a wood stove, the simplest precaution being to buy your wood in the spring so that you know it has weathered at least one season (two seasons are better, if you can keep it that long).

The other most important factor in stoves is the ; several aspects of a ‘good’ are:
Getting the correct size flue to match the stove.
Getting the correct TYPE of for the appliance.
Ensuring the chimney will go straight up with no offsets or elbow joints.
Insulating around the flue liner.
Insisting on it being installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and the Builder’s Code by a reliable professional.

The local National Fireplace Institute (NFI) is a nonprofit organization that will advise you on competent installers. The recommends that you ensure your fireplace or wood stove is installed by a certified installer.

You should never be able to smell smoke in your home, and if you did last year then you may need a chimney sweep and/or an appraisal to test its efficiency. Another no-no is for the smoke to exit out of the fire and into the home when you open the door to add more wood.

Either of these problems may indicate that your chimney is over loaded with creosote, or that the flue needs sweeping, or both. It is important to get a chimney swept, as excess creosote in a chimney can often cause a chimney fire.

The rush will be on as soon as the turns cold and then you will have to wait. Off peak is also a good time to try and negotiate some discount, both on a cord of wood and on the chimney check!

Joshua Sloan is your San Diego real estate agent at If you’re looking for Encinitas real estate for sale, Joshua can help.

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