Alternative Energy HQ

Green energy news and info – Video


Snippy well produced video full of info about the green energy world.

Check it out.

Here is the rundown on Zaproot from the ViroPop website:

Okay, let’s get this straight. ViroPop is NOT a new virus-flavored soda. And ZapRoot is not a show about bombarding plants with laser beams.

What is ViroPop then? Well, you could think of it as a salad. It’s green, sure, but also cool, fresh, crisp and tasty. And full of surprises. And good for you.

ViroPop is the first network on the Internet to treat the new environmental pop culture with a sense of irreverent fun. Long dreary powerpoint presentations…be gone! This is the happy Green Revolution.

And ZapRoot is ViroPop’s flagship show.

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