What Are You Doing About Energy IN Your Lifestyle? Are you Doing Anything To Help Out? Well Let Us Show You Some Ways To Change That.
“Cutting The Oil Cord – Using Alternative Energy Sources in Your Life!” is now available. This insightful and useful book explores the various forms of alternative energy systems that are being developed around the world as well as some of the controversy and hype surrounding some of them, plus what you as a consumer can do to implement them into your life. All of us need to take some action. Find out what you can do.The response to our book has been strong. So many people have told us that this information needs to be out there for everyone to read. (some have suggested making it mandatory reading in school) So for a limited time we have decided to give it away free to our visitors so we can spread the word. This book is not preachy. It simply tells how you can use Alternative Energy sources in your life. Make an impact!
“Thank goodness for “Getting Off the Oil Cycle”.“With so much information on alternative energies available from so many sources, it is a relief to find a trustworthy, comprehensive compilation of all potential alternative energy sources in one easy-to-read book.. I particularly liked the recommendations on how I can personally implement their use, before relying on mega-industries to pave the way for broader, mass usage. Detail specifying how the production and distribution of each alternative energy stacks up against our current usage of petroleum based sources is particularly enlightening, enabling the reader to distinguish the “best” alternative suited for their purposes and to which oil dependence can be most reduced. If you wish to obtain an overall, yet unscientific knowledge of alternative energies, this book will provide all you need to know. “
PaulaUnlock your energy future today. We bring you valuable information to help you decide if implementing alternative energy into your personal lifestyle makes sense and what you can do to encourage government and industry to move faster towards developing large scale projects that will reduce our oil addiction.
Got a story of how you have implemented [tag]alternative energy[/tag] sources into your life? Send it to me and I will feature it on this blog and in the book for all to read. Show off your good efforts! Send it to me at info (@) alternativeenergyhq.com
Stay in tune with the latest alternative energy information and products.
The world is in a big turmoil over our use of oil, dirty energy sources and creation of greenhouse gases. Alternative energies are slowly gaining a foothold, whether it be solar power, wind energy, hybrid cars, biodiesel fuel, hydrogen fuel cells, ethanol, or others. Stay tuned as we bring you the world of developing alternative energy sources.
We explore solar energy, bio diesel, wind power, hybrid cars, battery technology, green energy systems and much more.
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.
John Muir (1838 – 1914)
By the way do you want to learn the amazing secrets of making bio diesel the easy and simple way so you can have free fuel for your diesel car? Why wait another day or month to convert your life to running on bio diesel? You just have to check this out!
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The Romans used the wind fo airconditioning their homes that used the canals for water. The Dutch used windmills for a multitude of tasks. And in 1909, the United States declared that there would be a fuel crisis in less than one-hundred years.
Nikoli Tesla at the turn of the century offered Solar Power and self powered generators should be made for every home across America. J.P. Morgan turned him down and went with the business of Thomas Edison, who offered the ideas for a nation of Self-destruction. Both Thomas Edison and J.P. Morgan only had a 4th grade education, as a result, neither of them could understand the genius of Tesla. Today, over two/thirds of Teslas' inventions are classified and off limits for the general public.
Because if his ideas and inventions were ever made public again, it might put everyones money machines – out of business.
Money should not be the issue but, it is. Instead of us working together, we are looking for solutions that are riping us apart.
Tesla had an education and a love for humanity. Unfortunately, we do not study genius in our schools, we study Mad Men and Fools. Ghandi, Aristotle, and a list of others are ignored so we can study Hitler, Marx, Mao Tse Tung, and other Mass Murderers.
Such delicious misery you serve. How soon will your cup runneth over with hate? Where once men proved their great, knowledge and courage, through the test of battle, to become your leaders by acclaim., You now make a profession of liers to guide. And by force?, No. Force is no longer necessary in this age of anxiety. To hell with truth, down with science, you are better than that, afterall; Majority vote is truth enough, and if not, you'll count the ballots yourself. You were once raised in village with morals and ethics; Today you are mass marketed in cities built upon phoney laws and immoral conflicts. Have you not learned from anything? You have no value known for money at your birth and you have no use for it when you are dead. So what kind of value should you give it if you are alive? This world can not survive with greed and wealth. It can only survive with cooperation and a fellowship of humankind. It does not matter what your religeon is; What matters is what type of practice you perform religiously. You want to give us energy alternatives? They were already given to us, over a hundred years ago, you bannished it then and now you argue over it today. Have you changed? No, you love the stupidity of self destruction. Enjoy it. I have no hope for your kind, do you?!…
This book is a good
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