Home Solar Power – Your Own Solar Powered Home?

solar power for homes10
Anthony Dempster asked:

Home is becoming increasingly popular. If you’ve ever sat at your desk and used a powered calculator, you’ve probably marveled at the fact that it can operate without the need for batteries. If such a small can a calculator, what can a larger do? A lot – it could even your home.

What once seemed like a distant daydream consigned to books about the future is becoming an everyday reality for an increasing number of people. Big companies such as BP have installed solar panels at a number of their gas stations as far away as New Zealand in an attempt to reduce their dependence on external electricity supplies. The reason behind these kinds of decisions normally comes down to two main factors: firstly, once initial setup is complete solar generated electricity is completely free ; secondly, there is a reduced impact on the environment as less fossil fuels need to be burned in order to generate the electricity.

What steps are involved in setting up a ? The main step required is obtaining solar panels and placing them somewhere that gets good sunlight. For most houses the most obvious place is the roof, although bigger properties may also have bits of land that would be well suited to having solar panels established there. The cost of solar panels is becoming increasingly cheaper and they are also becoming less complicated to setup. With the help of a good guidebook it is even possible to setup this kind of system yourself.

The most typical setup involves utilising a bank of batteries to store the electricity which can then be used to power various things within the home. This could be anything from additional lighting and hot water heating through to powering your stereo and tv. (Of course, any wiring to the must make use of a proper electrician).

One of the most popular misconceptions about solar power is that it needs to be sunny for it to work. This is simply not the case – even on cloudy days there is enough from the sun coming through to power your home.

Water 4 Gas

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