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How Does Wind Power Energy Work? What You Should Know About Wind Energy

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Evangeline Cortez asked:

To find out how wind energy work, one must be familiar first with what it is. It basically comes from the sun, and about one to two percent of this solar energy is converted to wind energy. When the sun’s reflected rays are absorbed by water or land, this causes the atmosphere to become warm. Because hot air is lighter than cold air, it will rise up. When hot air rises until it is approximately six miles in altitude and as the cool air replaces this in the atmosphere, wind energy is formed. Although it is more commonly known as a converted form of solar energy, it is also recognized for its property of converting kinetic energy into both electrical and mechanical energy.

The converted forms of energy, which are electrical and mechanical energy, are used by mankind for a multitude of purposes. On main element to consider in knowing how wind power work is its turbine. With the use of its propeller blades, wind turbines supply power to whatever mechanical generator there is that will convert wind energy to electricity. The power generated by one wind turbine is believed to be enough to run electricity in one house. A propeller blade is actually a mechanical rotor that is assembled in threes, with the blades connected at the center. The more wind there is, the more these blades are propelled by the wind, and the more electricity is produced. Most of the time, the electricity generated from the wind turbines are fed directly into power lines. This electricity is then combined with other forms of electricity coming from other sources and it becomes the utility electricity that is being delivered to households.

Another important factor is its environmental benefits. It is said to be more practical and eco-friendly because it does not pollute the environment with green house gases that are emitted by fossil fuels when they produce electricity. Also, it is abundant and renewable. Apart from being pollution-free, it is relatively very cheap. It is used by a lot of households in generating electricity. It has been studied that for every one megawatt of wind energy, about two hundred twenty five to three hundred households receive electricity from the said amount of wind power. It comes from solar energy. It is safe to say then, that the sun truly has so much power that if mankind only knew how to properly utilize these energies coming from the sun, there would be less and less dilemmas on where to get electricity.

Solar power

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