How Efficient Is Solar Power?

You may be in a situation of considering the use of a system in your home because you know that this is more efficient than using the conventional source. However, you may be thinking at how efficient is at the technical level. You have to note that the efficiency rating of using can range from 5% to 15% but it can even increase to 40%. This level is enough for the amount of that you need for your home.

The number of solar panels that you need for your home is determined by the total output wattage that is required to supply the needed electricity. The solar panels have their rating capacities indicated. If a or cell indicates a capacity of 100 watts, this meant that it will output 100 watts of electricity in the best solar power system condition. A simple computation will lead you to need 10 solar panels for a requirement of 1 kilowatt per hour of electricity. Normally, solar panels are available at a capacity between 30 to 205 watts. With some calculations, you will be able to derive the number of panels you need for your household consumption.

The available roof space has its role in making things possible for you. The size of the roof determines the number of panels that can be installed and since the solar panels determine the amount of electricity that can be supplied to your household, it follows that the less number of solar panels, the lower the level of electricity that can be supplied to your home. As an effect, your electricity may not be enough for all your appliances. Hence, it is critical not to be very particular about cost in having your solar power installed. The cost is directly proportional to the number of panels that will be installed.

If you are very much concerned about the efficiency rating of the photovoltaic cells, you can choose monocrystalline panels for your solar panels. This is the more efficient type and they are smaller. This means they take a smaller space and with a limited roof space, you can maximize the space with the smaller monocrystalline panels. The only trade off compared to other types is that they are more expensive.

It is very important to calculate your requirements before deciding on the specific solar power system that you will use. This can be a basis for the most appropriate choice among the different types of solar panels. You can also find good suppliers or providers and you can compare their rates and services. It is also important to be meticulous about specifications because these determine the difference in the prices.

The other factors that can affect the efficiency of solar power system include the maintenance work that is done on the solar panels, the amount of sunlight that is absorbed and how the sunlight is transferred. These are general factors that can affect the efficiency of a solar power system.

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