How To Build Your Own Homemade Solar System – Step By Step Non Technical Instructions

solar power systemOne of the biggest household expenses is the electricity bills. The amount you pay for is next to the bank home mortgage. Many home owners are looking into using energy to supplement their home energy needs.

A complete system installed by a professional contractor can be quite expensive. Be prepared to invest upwards of $30,000 for a home system that may take up to 20 years to recoup.

Is there a cheaper option?

As a matter of fact, you can build your own residential system with a budget of about $1500. With that kind of budget, you will be able to setup a small solar system which is capable of powering most of the electrical appliances and all of the lighting fixtures.

Where do you start?

Begin by figuring out how many electrical equipment you want to be powered by the solar system. Items such as television, computer, stereo, hair dryer etc are suitable. Leave out energy hungry appliances such as the refrigerator, micro wave oven, vacuum cleaner etc. These will create too much strain on the system.

The next step is to calculate the total (wattage) required. Look at the back of the equipment and there should be an average power usage of the device. Look at the power consumption of the lighting fixtures also. Add up all the figures and that will be your energy needs base line.

The next step is to begin shopping for the solar parts and component.
The following are the key components you will need:

1) .
2) Charge controller.
3) Battery bank.
4) Power inverter.

The function of the is to convert the sun energy into electricity. When shopping for a , look for a unit which is capable of generating at least 12 volts of Direct Current (DC).

The power from the solar panel will be directed into the charge controller. The function of the charge controller is to regulate the battery charging process. When the battery is fully charged, it will dump excess power into a heat element, hence protecting the battery.

The type of battery suitable for a home system is the deep cycle kind. Deep cycle battery is more robust and can handle a deeper level of power discharge without destroying itself.

How many batteries do you need?

It is hard to determine the exact figure because you can’t really know how much sun coverage you will get on a daily basis. A good number to begin with for a small home solar system is 4 units.

Finally, it is the power inverter. Since the battery can only hold Direct Current (DC), we have to change it into Alternative Current (AC). Most of our household appliances run on AC.

Remember the total power wattage you calculated earlier? Make sure the power inverter has an output above that figure. For example, if your total power need is 500 watt, choose a power inverter which is capable of producing at least 1000 watt.

At the end of the day, all the components will cost you around $1500. The total cost can be lowered if you were to spend the time looking for bargains.

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