Hybrid car festival

carbuyersnotebook asked:

Today’s automakers are looking for a way to show off their latest technology. vehicles – vehicles with gas and electric engines working together to an automobile – represent only a little more than 1.5 percent of the total new vehicle marketplace, but many people are looking to hybrids to ease our dependence on oil.

Recently in Madison, Wisconsin, passionate owners and the people who make hybrids rallied at the first annual Hybridfest. Today’s hybrids aren’t just for the single person commuting to work. New models have the same look, feel, and capability as a conventional gas engine powered vehicle and help out the environment with lower emissions.

With fuel prices on the rise, many are looking for any alternative to save at the pump. Hybrids work by storing kinetic in their battery that would otherwise be lost in a gasoline-only automobile.

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  1. Our company just bought 4 hybrid cars “to save gas”…they cost thousands more than the standard cars we use, and get 3-4 mpg LESS on long trips!

  2. EH????
    We don’t have that long till???????
    Explain yourself.

  3. I’m sorry but we don’t have that long. That’s the point!

  4. yeah 30 years from now.

  5. True enough… But there will come a time in the not too distant future when that free choice will be taken away from you on this matter.

  6. I PREFER internal combustion.
    It is supposed to be a FREE world after all
    where people can CHOOSE what to drive FREELY.


  7. For your info they are building fully electric cars with up to 300hp now.

  8. I have a right to be FREE to own one last time I checked.

  9. the only people who will suffer from a reduction in servicing is the mechanics who will just be fired because they are not needed in such numbers anymore.

  10. your an idiot

    thanks for dieing

  11. I prefer horsepower over gas mileage.

    That is why I hang onto my SUV.

  12. represent!
    go earth =D

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