What a great day it was last week when the crew from Solar City called me to come check out the completed installation of our solar power system on our home. The First Solar panels had all gone in, the electrical had all been run, the inverter installed, and everything tested out.

Installed! Solar Power System Is Complete

solarfinal5What a great day it was last week when the crew from Solar City called me to come check out the completed installation of our system on our home. The First panels had all gone in, the electrical had all been run, the inverter installed, and everything tested out.

Now it was time to turn on the system and show the homeowner (me) that it was working fine. Mark from solarfinal7 showed me the inverter control panel and pointed out how the system was producing ( although not a lot because it was late in the day on a late fall day) but never the less it was making from the sun. He then showed me the electric meter on my house and you could clearly see that even though the system was not putting out full capacity yet it was slowing down the meter measuring our house electrical consumption.

He caught me with a wide smile on my face I have to admit.

Please watch the video below to get the details of the system as well as hear a bit about how installing these systems makes guys like Mark feel about their job.

It is pretty cool that these can be created by and other options, that give the workers a feeling of doing right in addition to making them a living. We have not done a lot of that kind of job creation in this country for awhile and this sort of thign should be encouraged and celebrated as much as possible.

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