In response to Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell’s keynote address at the National Clean Energy Summit, the Energy Association (GEA) has released the following statement from GEA Executive Director Karl Gawell:

“We applaud Secretary Jewell for the announcement today reaffirming the Administration’s commitment to approve 20,000 megawatts of production on public lands by 2020. With roughly one-half of the produced today located on federal public lands, it is important for the Department of Interior to maintain a priority for leasing and permitting new projects.

Today’s announcement will move forward two geothermal areas in Southern , establishing a new area in the West Chocolate Mountains and approving a new 40 MW plant in Mono County. It has been estimated that together these federal lands could add 190MW of new geothermal capacity, and for comparison purposes that would produce the equivalent of over 1,000 MW of solar photovoltaics. If the full capacity expected at these sites is developed, it would mean over 1,200 construction and manufacturing jobs on an annual basis, and approximately 325 full-time permanent jobs in Southern .

There is strong interest in geothermal development in this area, with several companies recently permitting or building new power plants. We expect as California moves forward to increase its commitment to a carbon-free power system, geothermal power will grow in importance because it can provide the firm or flexible power needed to maintain system reliability, achieve climate goals, and do so with low integration costs.”

GEA recently released an updated Air Emissions Comparison and Externality Analysis showing geothermal energy provides significant benefits to public health and the environment as one of the least-polluting and most environmentally friendly forms of energy. The analysis found binary geothermal plants produce virtually no greenhouse gases (GHG) and dry steam and flash geothermal plants put out only trace amounts of emissions. GEA estimates geothermal provides approximately $88 million in externality benefits per year to California and $29 million to Nevadans by avoiding fossil fuel emissions.

GEA, together with the California Geothermal Energy Collaborative, have published a report “Energizing Southern California’s Economy” that examines the geothermal power potential in Southern California and the economic benefits to the region of developing them. It is available at:

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