Alternative Energy HQ

Is Solar Right For Your Home?

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solar power

Maybe you have thought about adding solar panels to your home in order to generate your own power. Maybe you have wondered whether solar was right for your home?

Well now you can get a solar energy assessment and get connected to contractors who can do the job right for you and get you generating solar energy this year. In partnership with Pick My Solar Alternative Energy HQ is offering access to this service for our readers.

Just click on this link, and you will be taken to the Pick My Solar page where you can get your home evaluated. This is a terrific way to get started with solar. No need to call contractors and get confusing answers. Pick My Solar will evaluate your home, even showing you an image of your roof and neighborhood, and offer you options for going solar. If your home is not a good fit (location, shade from trees) they will tell you.

How much can you save over the lifetime of your homer by going solar? Well find out today with this easy to use tool.

Click Here To Try Solar

solar panels

Here is my house as seen on the Pick My Solar page.

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