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John McCain – Energy Policy for 2008 Election

John McCain’s Energy Policy – Campaign 2008

John McCain Commerical

John McCain talks about Ethanol

* FactCheck: Oil independence will take 25 years, not 5 years. (Dec 2007)
* Climate change is real; nuclear power is solution. (Oct 2007)
* Public pressure on oil industry to invest in alternatives. (Oct 2007)
* FactCheck: nuclear plants do emit no GHGs, but do have waste. (Jun 2007)
* Reinvest oil profits in nuclear power. (Jun 2007)
* Ethanol made no sense in `05 but with $60/bbl it makes sense. (May 2007)
* Strength Clean Air & Water Acts; but not Kyoto. (Jan 2000)
* Supports alternative fuels, emission controls, & CWA. (Jul 1998)
* Voted YES on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaska’s ANWR. (Nov 2005)
* Voted NO on $3.1B for emergency oil assistance for hurricane-hit areas. (Oct 2005)
* Voted NO on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025 (instead of 5%). (Jun 2005)
* Voted YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Mar 2005)
* Voted NO on Bush Administration Energy Policy. (Jul 2003)
* Voted YES on targeting 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010. (Jun 2003)
* Voted YES on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from budget bill. (Mar 2003)
* Voted NO on drilling ANWR on national security grounds. (Apr 2002)
* Voted NO on terminating CAFE standards within 15 months. (Mar 2002)
* Voted YES on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling. (Apr 2000)
* Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy. (Jun 1999)
* Voted YES on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)
* Voted NO on do not require ethanol in gasoline. (Aug 1994)
* Rated 17% by the CAF, indicating opposition to energy independence. (Dec 2006)
* Supports immediate reductions in greenhouse gases. (Sep 1998)

From the official McCain campaign website:

John McCain has a proud record of common sense stewardship. Along with his commitment to clean air and water, and to conserving open space, he has been a leader on the issue of global warming with the courage to call the nation to action on an issue we can no longer afford to ignore.

America has been blessed with a rich and diverse natural heritage. In the tradition of his hero, Theodore Roosevelt, John McCain believes that we are vested with a sacred duty to be proper stewards of the resources upon which the quality of American life depends. Ensuring clean air, safe and healthy water, sustainable land use, ample greenspace – and the faithful care and management of our natural treasures, including our proud National Park System – is a patriotic responsibility. One that must be met not only for the benefit of our generation, but for our children and those to whom we will pass the American legacy.

John McCain believes that America’s economic and environmental interests are not mutually exclusive, but rather inextricably linked. Our economic prospects depend greatly upon the sustainable use of ample and unspoiled natural resources. A clean and healthy environment is well served by a strong economy. History shows that poverty is a poor steward.

As John McCain said, “Americans solve problems. We don’t run from them.” He believes that ignoring the problem reflects a “liberal live for today” attitude unworthy of our great country, and poses a serious and unacceptable threat to our environment, our economy, and U.S. national security. He has offered common sense approaches to limit carbon emissions by harnessing market forces that will bring advanced technologies, such as nuclear energy, to the market faster, reduce our dependence on foreign supplies of energy, and see to it that America leads in a way that ensures all nations do their rightful share.

By addressing this problem responsibly, John McCain believes we can meet our obligation to be proper caretakers of creation, in a manner of which we can be proud – by protecting our country, strengthening our economy, and addressing the challenges of our time, rather than leaving a much worse problem for our children.

Energy Speech – campaign video

McCain Takes on Washington and Bush Administration Regarding Global Warming

Or on the lighter side of things you can watch “The Daily Show” version of this speech:

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