National Biodiesel Day

It’s National Biodiesel Day, and Iowans have reason to celebrate

March 18 puts focus on biodiesel’s contributions to state economy, environment and energy security

rudolf diesel 3946456981091095575ANKENY,  –  March 18 is National Biodiesel Day, a day for Iowans to reflect on the contribution they are making to the nation as the number one producer of biodiesel.

“With biodiesel, Iowans are leading an agricultural revolution that is making a meaningful difference in our nation’s and helping our economy rebound,” said Randy Olson, executive director of the Biodiesel Board.  “We truly are at the forefront of innovative American agriculture driving American independence.”

’s 12 biodiesel plants produced 184 million gallons of biodiesel in 2012.  That accounts for about 17 percent of all U.S. biodiesel.

So what does biodiesel do for Iowa?  Recent economic studies show in 2012, Iowa biodiesel:

  • Supported nearly 5,000 jobs in the state
  • Contributed nearly $400 million to the state’s GDP
  • Generated $236.8 million of household income

English: Bus running on soybean biodiesel. U.S...

Biodiesel also benefits consumers in other ways.  A study measuring the impact of the Iowa biodiesel industry on the Iowa agricultural economy found that corn, soybean, and livestock producers all benefit from biodiesel production.  Demand for vegetable oils reduces soybean meal prices, to the benefit of Iowa’s livestock producers – and that ultimately benefits the consumer at the grocery store.

March 18 is National Biodiesel Day because it is Rudolf Diesel’s birthday, the man who invented the engine that bears his name.  He ran early models on peanut oil, and was a visionary for the renewable fuel that would one day be called biodiesel.

In a 1912 speech, said: “The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today, but such oils may become, in the course of time, as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of the present time.”

Biodiesel is an advanced fuel made from agricultural byproducts and co-products such as soybean oil.  The Iowa Biodiesel Board is a state trade association representing the biodiesel industry.

Want to show your support?  Join the Biodiesel Backers!

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