Non Profit Solar Installers Helping Low Income Families

Low income families across the country probably don’t give much thought to adding solar to their homes since they might be tight for cash flow as it is in their life. But now thanks to some non profit solar installers in So Cal low income residents can now get help adding solar to their homes. This is the type of efforts that will greatly help the push towards solar in our country. This group should be applauded for their efforts.

Some families in the Inland Empire community of San Jacinto are having their homes outfitted with new solar systems thanks to a group of community volunteers, as well as a nonprofit solar provider from the Bay Area.

The aim of GRID Alternatives is to transform the houses of low-income residents into -efficient homes. GRID also gives job seekers in low-income areas hands-on experience with solar system installation.

GRID’s Inland Empire director Bambi Tran said it’s already trained over 8,000 people across “so that they can go out there and actually get jobs in the green industry.”

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