Owning A Horse On Your Property – Things To Remember

It is really great to have horses on your property. They are wonderful animals to spend time with. At the same time owning horses means being responsible for them. This means caring about them and making sure they feel healthy and are comfortable. That is why you might want to know how to prevent some common injuries in your horses and how to avoid common mistakes many people make. Following these simple tips you will have a healthy and happy horse in your .
First of all, you should make sure your horse is healthy. If you buy a horse at a very low price, chances are it has some health problems. Healthy horses are always very expensive. But if you do not want to have problems later on, it is recommended to get a healthy horse even though you might have to pay more for it. An important tip here is not to trust the owner and always to check it. Make sure the horse gets a full health check before you purchase it.
Another important tip is the way you feed your horse. Natural diet is the best for these animals. It means your horse should eat grass mostly. Wild horses eat grass only and they stay healthy and active. It is obvious that fresh grass is not available all the year round in most areas. That is why hay is the second choice. But you should still let your horse graze whenever it is possible. There are lots of different types of horse feed on the market these days. But you need to understand that these products are made for sick horses or for horses that require special nutrition. If your horse is healthy, it does not need any special types of feed. However, if you buy such feed, make sure you get quality brands. Keep this feed dry, as it may get mold soon after getting wet. Do not forget to give your horse a salt lick. This is an important part of their diet.
It is never good if your horse spends all day long inside the barn. Even if your barn is the most comfortable of all , you should remember that horses are outside animals and they need much exercise to stay healthy physically and mentally. Horses need to graze and to exercise that is why turning them to pasture is extremely important. At the same time horses are social animals and they need to communicate with others. Being a part of a herd is very important for your horse. But if you do not have other horses on your property, you could allow your horse to communicate with a dog or a cat. Even such a company is important to horses.

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