Alternative Energy HQ

PV America – Pt 4 – Also Energy – CEO Robert Schaefer

also energy solar power
Our continuing coverage of the PV America show in San Jose CA this past week as we highlight our conversation with AlsoEnergy CEO Robert Schaefer who gives us a breakdown of their solar power monitoring service. This technology helps solar power installations monitor remotely the efficiency of the solar power system output and many other onsite factors so an operator can always know how the system is functioning even in remote locations. Watch the video below and then comment on what you think of this solar energy technology.

AlsoEnergy Demo:

AlsoEnergy provides the most comprehensive real-time energy monitoring and financial management software solutions for renewable energy developers, manufacturers and investors. AlsoEnergy’s cloud computing services provide affordable tools to gain insights into energy consumption, monitor energy production, and report on this data from single energy sources to entire portfolio assets across multiple locations.

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