Since fossil fuels are slowly renewable, integration of passive solar design is a strategically correct long-term perspective, as due to heavy dependency on the resource its price over time will be increasing. For countries with limited initial sources of fossil fuels, this can be a too heavy economic burden to carry. When creating price scenarios for natural gas and crude oil, scientists use several variables. They include the current forward market for the product, current prices ion the market, external price forecasts, the historical trends. In such way, even if the growing demand for fossil fuels is ignored considering increasing scarcity of these resources, natural gas prices will reach $5.00 by 2015, $5.50 by 2025, and $7.50 by 2025.
It should be noted, that inflation is not considered in the price scenario, prices should be viewed in terms of current value per dollar. The current trend of technologies employed in passive solar design of building will be going the opposite direction, as a technological advance alongside with cost efficiency is predicted for solutions implemented in solar design as demand for them will be increasing. In such way, passive solar design of buildings is cost efficient in the long run especially for countries with limited crude oil and natural gas resources, as the dependency of these countries on foreign oil and gas will only be increasing alongside with the price per gallon. Integration of passive solar design makes houses more affordable, comfortable, and energy-efficient.
Implementation of passive solar design solutions is cost efficient, minimizes energy consumption and dependency on renewable sources of energy, is environmentally clean, and can be easily implemented at any geographic location. Practical implementation of the solutions also proved to be effective. Going even further then this, in the light of limited resources, implementation of passive solar design solutions is a step forward towards a greater level of efficiency and economic freedom in the future. As such, it is my firm belief that passive solar design is one of the most efficient ways to minimize energy consumption at any geographic location.