Save Money Now – Arrange For A Home Energy Audit

Sure seems like a lot of talk going around lately about reducing bills and lowering emissions output. Every where you go there’s someone else talking about how to save money by reducing this or lowering that. Now there’s even talk about some kind of residential audit. Ever heard of a audit? Let’s take a minute to examine just what this is and what it can do for you.

It’s really quite simple, everyone of us has what is known as a carbon footprint. This is nothing more than a way to measure how much of an impact we each have on our environment. It is based upon how much carbon waste we produce or is produced in order for us to exist. We all produce carbon waste one way or another. This may be CO2 emissions produced by the automobile you drive around town or the amount of nitrous oxide put off by the plant that produces the electricity you use in a given day.

Your home uses . In order to produce the electricity you use to light up your home at night, or to be able to heat up your house and the water you use in it, you must . A audit is simply an evaluation of specific energy consumption within your home to determine ways in which energy can be conserved. So you see, this is not just some kind of a made up, hoax, home inspection, designed to sucker you out of your hard earned money. A thorough and professionally conducted audit will save you money.

How much money, you ask. If after having a professional home energy audit conducted on your house you were to follow and implement all the recommendations of the audit, the average home owner could expect to save an average of 20% – 30% or higher on their heating bill, any where from 3% – 10% on the electric bill, and depending on specific heating source, there may also be a savings on the gas or propane bill. All together, there is the potential to save anywhere from 25% – 45% on your monthly home energy spending. Now that’s some real money when you consider how fast that will add up month after month.

In addition, you should expect a significant increase in the comfort of your home, improved air quality and the added peace of mind that you’re help do your part to reduce Americas dependence on foreign oil. Yes, it’s true, Americans are addicted to Oil and the more things we can all do to start reducing our use of it, the better. You may have been one of those who’s just been thinking this green movement is a bunch of hype. When you start to look into it, you’ll soon consider if perhaps there isn’t enough hype. In my view, saving 25% – 45% on your monthly home energy bill warrants hype, not to mention a big smile on your face.

After spending over 25 years as a custom home builder, Mitchell now owns a successful environmentally friendly Online home business out of Colorado, USA. He is a business coach and personal mentor assisting other serious Network Marketers in building lucrative and sustainable online businesses with multiple income streams.

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