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Small Steps Towards Sustainable Living

Many people hold off moving towards a more sustainable lifestyle because they associate the adjustment with sweeping life changes or major expenses. On the contrary, being environmentally conscious doesn’t require radical transformation. Making a shift towards sustainable living is more a matter of choice — one which begins with just a few easy modifications.

For those of you who have reservations about going green but still want to help better our planet, it’s okay to start small. After all, a small step is still a step in the right direction. Here are some things you can do to start your journey towards a more environmentally friendly lifestyle:

Say No to Plastic

Plastic, especially single-use plastics, are detrimental to the environment. Even though we may not always witness the negative impact plastic has on the environment, rest-assured, plastics are a significant threat. In fact, the Independent reports, “most scientists estimate that eight million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans each year – adding to the estimated 150 million metric tons currently circulating our oceans. To put that number into perspective, the amount is equivalent to a garbage truck full of plastic dumping plastic into the ocean every minute.”

Here are some simple ways to reduce your everyday plastic usage:

  • Something as easy as carrying your own cloth bag while grocery shopping can make a world of a difference. One way to ensure that you aren’t using store-provided plastic bags for your groceries is to simply keep a reusable cloth tote in your . This way, you’ll always have a bag handy even when you decide to spontaneously shop.
  • Similarly, consider using reusable bottles and coffee cups for beverages. Carrying a water bottle ensures that you won’t have to buy drinking water in plastic bottles. If you run out of water, you can always stop at a cafe and have your water bottle refilled as opposed to buying plastic-packaged water. Additionally, when it comes to home storage, use old wine bottles to store water in your refrigerator.
  • Always say no to plastic straws. As they can’t be recycled, these just end up polluting the ocean and destroying marine life. If you don’t feel comfortable drinking beverages without a straw, consider buying your own set of bamboo/metal reusable straws. These are pretty inexpensive, and will easily fit into your purse/pocket for you to carry when you go out.
  • Be wary of the plastic content in the products you regularly purchase, especially in terms of packaging. Whether you realize it or not, packaging accounts for about 40 percent of plastic use. Opting for eco-friendly alternatives is usually a win-win, with less packaging and more emphasis on the product itself. With a multitude of biodegradable options available today, finding plastic-free alternatives to your everyday staples shouldn’t be too difficult.


Choose Green Transport

Considering that the average American spends 47 hours commuting through traffic, resulting in 3.7 billion hours and 23 billion gallons of gas wasted in traffic each year, choosing greener transportation options can make a significant difference. While it might be hard to completely change the way you commute, there are many ways you can incorporate -saving principles into your daily modes of transportation.

For one, you could choose to use public transportation, carpool services or even bicycles, if you need to travel short distances. Alternatively, walking to get to your destination is a great emission-free option. As stated by experts at WalkIt, “Walking is simply the most environmentally-friendly way of getting from A to B. It uses no fossil fuels, produces no air pollution, and is generally a pretty quiet way of getting about.” Of course, if you choose to walk, it’s important to be cautious as a pedestrian.

As an added benefit, walking as a mode of transport is not only beneficial to the environment but has also been proven to help combat a variety of health problems like obesity and chronic heart conditions. Experts at Bradley University, in an article on how FNP’s can help in the fight against obesity state that “in the U.S. and other industrialized nations, many working professionals spend their careers being relatively inactive, spending time in front of computers, often for more than eight hours per day. This inactivity was less prevalent in the past, which surely contributes to the spike in weight gain.” Excessive screen time due to digitization is a major problem, curtailing the amount of time available for physical activity. The article states that FNPs can support community programs and initiatives like exercise classes and the green spaces for recreation to make a positive impact in the fight against obesity. Walking is the first step towards this change and can help you get at least a portion of physical activity needed to avoid obesity and other health problems that stem from inactivity, as well as create a more -efficient environment.

Maintain Your Plumbing Systems

Plumbing systems and in-home water management are an often overlooked area when it comes to savings. For instance, lowering your water pressure can be a simple fix that reduces the amount of water running through your pipes at any given time. While you don’t want your water pressure to be so low that simple tasks like washing dishes or taking a shower takes forever, finding a middle ground can allow you to cut down your water usage without having to think about it.

Common reasons for loss of energy in terms of plumbing include clogged pipes, a failing plumbing system’s regulator, or the shut off valves not being completely open.  Maintaining your pumps is a preventative measure that will ensure major energy savings before problems occur. In fact, according to author Kevin Westerling from Water Online, “Effective pump maintenance allows facilities to keep their pumps operating efficiently. Regular maintenance may reveal deteriorations in efficiency and capacity, which can occur long before a pump fails. Wear ring and rotor erosion, for example, can be costly problems that reduce efficiency by 10 percent or more.”

Choose Local Products

It’s easy to pick the cheapest option when it comes to buying products. However, the cheapest options are often the results of mass-production systems, which are notorious for disregarding environmental standards. Buying mass-produced items unknowingly promotes a process that involves unsustainable waste disposal systems, energy loss through transportation, and a heightened level of factory pollutants and emissions.

To avoid this, consider buying organic, local, and Fair Trade Certified foods. Sustainable Connections states that buying from independent and locally owned businesses greatly reduces environmental impact. For instance, locally sourced produce requires less transportation, while simultaneously bolstering local farmers and your immediate community. Locally owned businesses tend to set up shop in town or city centers, resulting in less sprawl, habitat loss, congestion, and pollution.  


Explore Energy Efficient Electricity

Uninterrupted access to electricity is something we often take for granted. However, our current energy-consumption rates make for dire consequences in the future. Old habits like leaving the lights on or forgetting to unplug chargers all contribute to increased energy consumption. While habits can take a while to change, start by making it a point to check that all your switches are turned off before leaving the house.

In regards to lighting devices, consider options like LEDs or CFLs. These have a longer life span and require much less energy to operate in comparison to traditional incandescent light bulbs.

Obviously, the best option would be to switch to solar , as it is a completely natural form of electricity. If completely replacing your current electricity sources with solar power is too big of a step to take just yet, then start small and invest in maybe one , or smaller solar-powered devices (like cell phone chargers, alarm clocks etc.). Using the sun as a source of energy is much more beneficial for the environment, and even a small shift can help relieve the load on traditional electricity production methods.

As you can see, making moves toward a more environmentally friendly lifestyle doesn’t always require intense change. A few small steps and, more importantly, a change in mindset, will help ease you into a state of more sustainable living.  

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