New Way to Get Into Solar For your Home



Interactive Kiosk Enables Consumers to Learn About Home at Select Retail Locations 


Sunrun, the largest dedicated residential company in the , today unveiled the Sunrun BrightPath StationÔ, an interactive, multi-touch kiosk that enables consumers to pinpoint their home on a map and within minutes assess if they are suited for and get a quote. As an extension of Sunrun’s proprietary BrightPathÔ software, the station brings this technology to consumers in select retail environments for the first time.


Earlier this year, Sunrun unveiled its BrightPath technology, the industry’s first end-to-end automated software platform designed to manage home solar projects from lead to sale in one streamlined process. The Sunrun BrightPath Station brings this technology to life for consumers in an engaging retail environment. The knowledge-based station uses cloud computing to take customers through the entire home solar process from selecting hardware and system design to pricing, scheduling, permitting, installation and more.


“Sunrun views retail stores as a promising opportunity to increase solar adoption by consumers,” said Gary Wayne, vice president of strategic projects at Sunrun. “The Sunrun BrightPath Station enables consumers to learn more about solar as a service in a highly engaging environment and receive an accurate proposal customized for their home. Sunrun was built upon a diversified approach to selling solar, and our station and retail experience together is another example of how we are meeting consumers where they feel comfortable shopping while lowering the cost of going solar.”


By answering a few simple questions, consumers can use the Sunrun BrightPath Station to understand their needs and receive multiple home solar system design options that provide optimal production and savings. Sunrun has already generated high consumer interest through its use of the station in several retail locations across California, Hawaii and New York. The company plans to introduce the station to additional locations in 2015.


As the first company to introduce solar as a service to American homeowners, Sunrun has reinvented the way people buy electricity. Consumers have many options when deciding to go solar, and the Sunrun BrightPath Station is another way the company is lowering the cost of solar and providing consumers with a solution that uniquely meets the needs of their home and lifestyle.


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