Alternative Energy HQ

Solar Panel Installation In The 2011 Era

solar power homesSolar power installations are growing worldwide as the cost of the panels and equipment used to build them see their prices fall and their efficiency increase with new technology. Some markets are exploding either through consumer demand or through effective support form governments who hand out incentives to stimulate the solar power market.

Germany is an example of effective government support bringing about a huge explosion of solar panel installation. However in the past year the German market growth has caused a shift worldwide in solar panel availability. I guess you might say this is a nice problem to have in a growing new market. Not if you are in an area where you can’t source enough solar panels but this situation has caused a large number of new solar panel factories to pop up worldwide including a huge growth in Chinese companies entering the solar energy market.

Solar panel rebates have contributed to the growth of this alternative energy source. In the US one could argue that these rebates have done more to stimulate the consumer based market than any other method. I would agree though with critics who make the case that in a nation like the USA it will take some new advocates for the cause in order to make a real difference in market growth. The current solar panel advocates are well know celebrities or political figures who only appeal to a small portion of the population. Until someone from the other side of the equation jumps in and support solar will it really gain the attention of the greater part of the US population.

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