Solar Panels as Solar Energy

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Radha Kishan asked:

The Sun, worshiped by Pharos and kings, mentioned in almost all the Religious scriptures, symbolizes the beginning of all known energies that ever existed. Man kind was marveled of its magnificent appearance and to effect almost all the climate changes in this world and built temples to worship the sun gods.

Though mankind gave away the gods that they believed in the past, they still respect the sun as the source of aboundent energy. Modern day science has calculated that the sun unleashes a staggering one thousand watts of energy to a square meter of the Earth’s surface every second. That is enough energy of keep your iron on for one hour or lighting up a blub for 25 hours. Although the sun releases energy in such quantities mankind is still able harness a fraction of it.

In the modern days mankind has harnessed energy through the use of panels. Although the technology used to turn sunlight into electricity is still in its infancy stages, scientist are working hard to introduce more new and better technologies to harness the sun. One day we can be hopeful enough to go and buy a that will be reliable to support large household.

The is made up of photovoltaic (PV) arrays. The word photovoltaic is a combination of the two words photo which refers to light and voltaic which refers to electricity. These photovoltaic modules are assembled to make up a photovoltaic cell also known as cell. These cells are installed and interconnected in a panel to create a photovoltaic array also known as a .

The photovoltaic (PV) cells are made out of material used in semiconductors (Crystalline silicon and gallium arsenide are the best substance currently in use). When light strikes these substances a portion of the energy that is with the light is absorbed, as result electrons the basic building blocks of electricity are released allowing them to flow freely. These electrons are directed in to single direction to obtain the necessary current. This current, together with the voltage defines the that the solar panel can produce.

The main problem associated with the solar panel is its cost; with a PV panel costs ranging from $1 to $2 per watt companies are finding it difficult to produce viable solar panels for the market. Consumers on the other hand opt for budget solar cells, which provide lower output levels resulting in consumer disappointment.
Despite all of this disadvantages if you are interested in installing and using solar panels follow these steps.

First consider and have clear idea on what would you want to up using a solar panel. There is a verity of smaller spot lights that could lighten your backyard. You can also invest on smaller solar panels that could be used to lighten up your garage lights or any remote place where it is difficult to provide electricity. Remember a solar panel is equal to a mobile power source. Unlike generators solar panels doesn’t pollute the environment when it’s active. With a little maintenance you will be able to sustain a good flow of power.

When purchasing the solar panel make sure that you purchase the “Plug & Play” type. This will reduce the hassle of having to read lengthy user manuals. Most of the solar panels arrive with all necessary connectors and controller and cost around $200 to $ 300, so that you can get on business right away. Be sure that the panel is capable of charging even during overcast days, so you can have power at any time of the year. Having the solar panel it is very important to select a suitable spot to install it. Most of the solar panels take about five to six hours to get fully charged, so it is important to expose much of the surface of the panel to the sun.
Always be prepared to obtain an expert advice if you feel that you are ready to invest on more solar panels. They can help you to get the best solar panels that will suite your requirements.
Such trends towards implementing small solar panels to produce power can make the once "green dream" a reality.

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